
Thursday, 16 December 2010

Nazi's, Pastors, Titans and Mini's. Oh, and the kitchen sink.

Well hello again my curious visitors.

First off let me tell you how absolutely devastated I was after the final of X-factor. How will I go on without my weekly dose of total crap. Oh well, life must go on. Lets face it there's a lot of crap still on the old box for me to gas on about so I'm sure I will survive, I just need to find something to slate week after week. As for how the show ended, if you don't already know, let me give you a run down of how it all went. Teeny rap queen Cher was kicked out on Saturday (at last) leaving Rebbecca, Mat the Hat and One Direction. On Sunday we lost the x-product One Direction first (thank god) then the talented Rebbecca came in second leaving the equally talented, but totally lacking in charisma, Mat the Hat to take first place. Will he get Christmas number one, hopefully not. Last years winner was held of by Rage Against The Machine after a stonking online campaign. Fingers crossed the same will happen this year. I doubt it though as we would have heard something about it by now.

Talking of things been in the Christmas music charts is it only me that is totally stunned by the number of awful Cd's been released this year for Christmas. Over the past couple of weeks we seem to have been bombarded by musical nonsense. We have the Chelsea Pensioners, the Choir Girl, Aled Jones (who dragged him out of the bottom drawer) and tonight Ive seen the icing on the musical cake. The Barbie album!! Who buys this stuff, somebody must do, otherwise they wouldn't release these things. I think we seriously need to find out and give them psychiatric help.

Now onto more serious things. The English Defence League or EDL for short. Otherwise known as Idiots.
These are a bunch morons who became disillusioned with the BNP (British Nationalist Party) so have created a new banner under which they can elevate their moronic policies to a whole new level of ignorance. Earlier this week it was reported in the papers that they had invited Pastor Terry Jones over from the states to talk at a few rallies. Now I'm sure some of you remember the controversy earlier this year when the Godly? Pastor Jones wanted to hold a burn a Koran day on the anniversary of 9/11. No prizes as to why the EDL invited him over then. Now I know as, I'm sure you do, that the EDL aren't exactly the religious type so their intentions are not to listen to Pastor Jones' religious talks they're just interested in the controversy and publicity of his racial opinions. This is just a publicity stunt and nothing else. Luckily the British Government has stepped in and are in the process of stopping his visa application. I get the feeling that this isn't going to be the end of the EDL and Pastor Jones saga.

Also this week there was a bomb attack in Stockholm by a lone suicide bomber who came from our own fair island. The media started asking questions about why it seems that so many of the worlds terrorists originate from these shores, what makes the young Muslims of this country such easy targets for radicalisation. One thing that seems obvious to me is the lack of patriotism generated in today's society. The government has spent years telling us we can't fly the Union Jack or Georges Flag as it could be racially offensive. We don't get St Georges day off work or even celebrate it officially and yet local government and the London assembly spend money every year celebrating other countries events like St Patricks day. We as a society are told that we should be guilty of the empire and the only thing that ever gets said about the days of Empire is all the slavery. The young kids growing up in England no longer have an identity as its been beeten out of us all for years. We've been reduced to a nation without an identity and all this leads to kids growing up finding they have nothing to belong to except violent gangs and religion. An immigrant child growing up here knowing that they don't belong to the culture of their parents find that they are denied the identity of being an English man as every thing that is English is regarded as culturally offensive by the left wing powers that be. This makes for easy pickings for the extremist elements of Islam. A great shame for a once great country.

Movie time....

Yes its that part of the Blog where I tell you good folks of any films Ive seen recently on Blu Ray.

The Clash Of The Titans (2010)
The remake of the legendary Ray Harry Hausen's last film is an odd thing. They've taken a basic story of argumentative Gods playing with the minions of Earth and turned it into a loud non stop mish mash of an overly effects laded movie. From one scene to the next we have nothing but constant CGI monsters. Every scene was over laded with pointless effects. Take the temple of Medusa for instance, layer upon layer of ruined temple zig zagging all over the place on a multitude of levels. WHY? All they had to do was give us a basic Greek temple and a decent fight and the audience would have been happy. Instead its just too much thrown into to the mix. Like food, too many ingredients can spoil the taste. This film had everything including the kitchen sink in every scene. Not to be watched if you're wanting some good enjoyable entertainment. However if its just a pizza and (lots of) beer then it could fit the bill.

Italian Job (1969)

What can be said about this classic. Its got everything (in a good way not like above) humour, car chases, Minis driving through sewers and the great Michael Cain. And who could ever forget what became one of the greatest endings in film history.
Buy it, watch it, enjoy it.

And with that its time for me to leave you once again.

The Voice has spoken.

Till next time.....

Friday, 10 December 2010

I've seen things you wouldn't believe.

First off let me explain the title of today's little rant. I couldn't think of a title but while I was trying my favorite line from any Bond film popped into my head. No Mr. Bond I want you to die! This was going to be my title but then I realised why not use a line from the film I'm watching. So I did. Maybe you recognize the line, maybe you don't. Read on and all will become clear....
As is common this time of year people are out celebrating Christmas with their friends and colleagues, my lovely wife is no different. So here I am, alone, keeping the house company while my little girl sleeps in her cot. One Chinese take away later and I'm ready to explode in a mess of noodles, rice and curry sauce. But before I do let me mention the film Ive spent the evening enjoying. Yes its movie time....


That sci-fi classic from 1982. There's nothing much to say about this legendary film that hasn't all ready been said. Stunning visuals, great Vangelis sound track and the ever reliable Harrison Ford. Not forgetting the great Rutger Hauer and solid support from one of the guys people constantly say, 'What have I seen him in before, hes been in loads of films.' I'm talking of course of Brion James.
A class film that, if you haven't seen (maybe you've been living under a rock on Mars), you should go out and see right this minute.
The only thing that is a little out of place in this film is the year. Its meant to take place around 2019 but the world didn't advance as quickly as the makers thought it would. Just like the old sci-fi films when they thought we would be walking on Mars by 1990. A little bit too confident in the progress of science I think.

The film get a 10 out of 10 from me.

The Chinese I had while watching, it gets an 8

Now onto more serious stuff.

During the protests by the great unwashed (that's students to you and me) that took place yesterday 11th Dec. things took a real turn for the worse. Rioting, violence and most shockingly an attack on a car carrying Prince Charles and Camilla. Now if you read my earlier posts you will know exactly how I feel about raising student fees. DO IT! For too long parents have relied on the state to provide for their kids and it's time it stopped. Make the parents do what they should have been doing from the start, making provisions for their children's future. But I digress, back to the subject at hand. When will the British police start to use that tried and trusted method of crowd control, the water cannon. They use it in loads of other countries around Europe so why not here. For too long the country has treated everyone with kid gloves, it's gotten so bad that if the police so much as shout at some one there's a public enquiry into why and compensation paid to the person that got shouted at. Only today I heard a story of a street preacher that was spouting biblical bull about gays being evil and going to hell so the police arrested him. Rightly so you may say, he shouldn't be allowed to preach hateful rubbish in public but wait. This is England, he was awarded £4000 compensation because the police kept him locked up for 4 hours. Can you believe it? So what hope have we of the police being allowed to react with necessary force when a riot kicks off, no hope at all. So these thugs and hooligans go unpunished. The shameful thing is that they probably weren't even students but so called professional protesters that have never worked, live off the state and yet spend their life protesting against it. Left wingers obviously, they have to be as its the left wing that provides them with the means to never have to get off their rears and work for a living.
As for the idiots that attacked Prince Charles car. They should be rounded up and thrown in prison for treason. I'm not a blind royal worshiper with Charles and Diana plates, mugs and spoons all over the place but I do support the monarchy. They are important to this country, its bussiness', its tourism and above all its history and they need to be protected from morons like these. I hope this country is never over run by the left wing militant morons that think of the monarchy as a bunch of leeches. If we ever lose our throne then it would be a sad day for England indeed.
Long live the Queen and long live our future King!

Now onto my favorite subject at the moment, yes you guessed it (drum roll please)
The X Factor.
Yes the papers have been full of conspiracy theories regarding Simon Cowells show.
If you read my last post you will know that Mary was given the boot by the judges at the weekend in favor of keeping the Teeny Rap Princess in the show, I'm referring of course to Cher. As I stated last time I believed that it should have gone to deadlock and reverted back to the public vote in order to keep it fair. Now the reason why the judges didn't allow that has become clear, Mary had more votes. Yes you heard me, the great Irish hope had more of the public on her side than Cher did. So if it had have gone to deadlock then it would have been bye bye Cher. Now you know as well as I do that would never have been allowed to happen. There was no way on Earth that they could market Mary like they can Cher, shes exactly the kind of product that Mr. Cowell is looking for. Shes not gonna win but you can guarantee that you wont have seen the last of her once the show ends. They are gonna milk this cow for all its got, One Direction and Cher are gonna be Simon's pet projects. After all if you've been paying attention to the show then you will have noticed the constant audience conditioning going on regarding One Direction. Every week, at least 4 or 5 times people will refer to the X-Product as the next big boy band. Like everything in life, you say something enough times and people will start to believe it. By the time the show ends One Direction will be the next big boy band without even releasing a record because the audience have been told they are for the last several weeks. As Yul Brynner said in the Ten Commandments, 'So let it be written, so let it be done.'

One last thing before retire to bed.
It was reported that Al Qaeda had threatened to attack that most important of government and military targets, Coronation Street. Yup, you read that right. The 50 year old soap opera broadcast a totally live show the other night and the morning before the show the papers were full of this supposedly true threat by Bins lot. That has to be the most shallow and transparent attempt at drumming up some publicity for a TV show I have ever heard of. Your a major global terrorists group, you've flown planes into buildings, blown up tube trains and buses. Your engaged in gorilla warfare with allied troops but you want to up the terror threat a little so what do you do? Attack a long running soap opera. Get a grip.
Unfortunately you know there are people out there that will have believed every word of it and been on their hands and knees praying for the safety of the cast.

Well that's it for now, its time I opened another can of beer. Cheers.

The voice has spoken.

Till next time.....

Sunday, 5 December 2010

Planets, Footballs, Gods and Popstars.

Watched an interesting documentary today about that most stunning of globes, the one they call Saturn. On it they showed pictures taken by a probe a while back, amazing images of the rings and moons. It got me thinking about the weird and beautiful things that exist out there, and I'm not talking of ET's underpants (though I'm not sure how beautiful they would be, suppose Eliot would like 'em')
I'm talking of the amazing running rivers and vast lakes of liquid methane on Titan, or the huge jets of dust and gas from the moon Enceladus helping form one of Saturn's rings. These are just two of the many moons (there's over 60 of them) orbiting our second biggest planetary cousin. But look beyond Saturn, beyond our own solar system, even out of our galaxy and there are wonders beyond what we could have ever imagined.

This led me to think about that great subject, religion, or should I say God?
If we are to believe what the book tells us then everything including us was created within the same week and we were the main focus of it all. Making us comfortable, subservient and grateful. Everything was made for us, to serve us, nourish us, keep us warm and sometimes creep up on us and kill us!?
If that is the case then what the hell is everything else for? Why create the other planets never mind other galaxies. Whats it all for, to give us something to look at? Come on! If we were the one and only focus of our lord and master then why do we not look up and see nothing. Why don't we just see a dark sky and the sun through the day (we have to keep warm so I suppose the sun would have to be there) Why make stunningly colourful gas clouds in galaxies so far away that we would have to spend years travelling to them to see them in person? If God wanted to make the sky pretty for us then why not just put them a little bit beyond the moon. They've been there since time began did God think to himself, 'I know what I'll put something nice a brazillion light years away for when my sheep invent the telescope.' Only for the Vatican to call Galileo a heretic!? It just doesn't compute.
And while are on the subject of God should I get real down and dirty? Why am I even asking, of course I will, it's me!
Back in the day of old when Joseph and Mary were around it was expected of a Jewish man (in this case Joseph) to be married by the time he was 18 and be a father by the time he was 19. There were exceptions but this was the general rule. Mary on the other hand would be eligible for marriage from 12-12 and a half. She could have been sold to another Jew as a slave (nice policy) but once again the rule of thumb was around 12 to be married. Now there is some confusion as to whether they were married at the time of the immaculate knock up or just engaged but regardless of this isn't the fact that The big guy in the sky knocked up one of his followers women mean that he broke one of his own commandments. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors house, wife, slave, ox, donkey, bedside lamp, lawnmower or sugar bowl.
Talk about do as I say not as I do! Mind you they were not really neighbors were they? More like master and slave so maybe this makes it OK.
But back to the knocking up bit. Given the facts above, God would have had to have knocked Mary up while she was around 12 - 14 (may have taken a couple of years to find a husband. After all she may not have been the best looking girl around) This means the big G man knocked up a school girl by today's standards. Making him, to give it the accepted media term, a pedophile monster. Not very nice is it. Isn't that rape of a minor by today's laws?
So next time you read about some guy getting locked up for having sex with a young girl just remember, is he really a monster or just following Gods example. For me it's easy, I'm not religious so just lock the guy away. But for some one who believes in the, so called, good book its got to make you at least pause for thought for a while. If you have any morals that is.

Now my usual Crap Factor (sorry X Factor) report.
Mary is out! Leaving Mat the Hat, Rebbecca, Teeny Rap Queen Cher and the X Product - One Direction.
Now Mary and Cher faced off in the knock out at the end and, as you will have guessed by the opening statement, Mary lost. This is because Cher (predictably) sang a song that she would never sing in her life if her skin didn't depend on it. She was criticized on Saturday for singing the same type of songs so what does she do when shes in the knock out. She changes her game. this wouldn't have been so bad if she didn't say to the audience on Saturday that she is what she is and didn't want to betray who she is (or words of that effect) Then on Sunday she does just that. I'm shocked that the judges didn't see through this extremely shallow ploy. It should have gone to deadlock and turned over to the public vote at least that way it would have been fair to Mary. During the Extra Factor show afterwards all the calls from the public were by people who admitted to voting for One Direction. Is it just me or does this seem just a little bit too much of a coincidence. After all isn't One Direction the product put together by the X Factor producers. Things are really starting to smell and it isn't my underpants (maybe its ET's)

One last note...

We lost out in the World cup bid for 2018 to Russia of all places. They don't even have a national pitch, so they've been saying on the TV, and America lost out to QATAR. They don't even allow women to show skin or people to drink in most places, how the hell are fans meant to enjoy them selves? Especially the women, all covered up in 40 degree heat!! Not to mention the country isn't even as big as Wales! I've been saying for years that the World Cup is decided by cash not games and most people didn't believe me. Maybe now people will finally realise that football stopped been a game when the money got big, now its a business and how are things decided in business? BY MONEY!

That's it for now, so I bid you farewell and goodbye. But remember, if you think there's something under your bed. There probably is.

The Voice has spoken.

Till next time......

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

As I'm sure most of you know its white out side and London has ground to a halt. Not as bad as last year, the buses are still running, but there's a boat load of disruption. From schools closing to people driving like an old woman on the verge of death. So, as usual, I've got something to say about it all. Don't I always!

First up....

The schools.
Why the hell are they closing so easily? I'm guessing it's a staff thing, some staff wont be able to get in as they will have to travel a few miles, but why don't they prepare for this. I mean lets face it, winter doesn't exactly creep up on us from behind a bush now does it. The schools should employ a policy where by the staff shortage in winter can be covered by volunteer parents. They don't have to teach the kids just supervise them while they play games, watch DVDs or read books. Anything to keep them occupied while there. This would allow a countless amount of people to actually go to work instead of having to take time off to look after their kids. This would also stop the domino effect caused when they close down unexpectedly. The schools close so parents have to take time off, some of these parents have jobs looking after other kids in nurseries and other such places so the parents of the kids they look after also have to take time off. It just keeps on going. These parents may hold keys for the office or run small business' employing a few people and now these people cant do their jobs. The schools closing causes a massive problem and it's high time the government stepped in and did something about it.

Now to people who have no idea how to drive in snow.

People should be forced to take lessons in fake snow conditions to prepare them for the real thing simple as that. That way at least traffic could move at a near to normal pace and not just stop like it frequently does. As for those of the fairer sex that drive massive 4x4's and yet get scared driving through a gap big enough to drive a tank through and have no idea how to park the things, well, just take the bloody things off them and make them drive minis. They are dangerous!! This morning I pulled over to let a 4x4 pass but when it reached me the woman inside was too afraid to squeeze through the space even though it was big enough for a Hummer. So there I was in the ice and snow trying to shuffle my car further into the gap to let this incompetent woman pass. And when she did there were snails in snow shoes over taking her. Its a 4x4 for Christs sake, it could drive up the side of Everest and she was worried about slipping on an inch of snow. I wish this was just a one off but unfortunately we all know there are thousands of them out there all as bad as each other.

And finally the trains.

Now can somebody tell me how a train weighing several tonnes can be stopped by a couple of inches of snow. I mean come on, one carriage goes over the snow and its gone never mind the six to ten carriages most trains are made off. What the hell are the train companies playing at. I could put a model train set out in the garden in an inch of snow and it would plough it's way through without a problem. Its a friggin train!!
These things hit people and barely notice, they can drive over large stones without a hic and have you seen the damage when two of these suckers hit each other? KAPOW!! That's one hell of a mess. I've seen movies where they plow there way through cars and trucks and yet one inch of snow and would you know it, hey presto, they magically stop. Tony Scott has a new film called Unstoppable starring Denzel and Chris Pine where they have to stop a runaway train (also see Voight and Roberts in the aptly titled Runaway Train) it looks like a non stop action fest but they could have made it a lot easier by sprinkling a bit of fluffy snow on the line and the train would have come to a grinding halt in no time. To quote a friend of mine from across the pond 'the weird thing is' in the Voight movie the runaway train was actually travelling through a boat load of snow and ice. All this without a driver, wow, maybe that's what the train companies should do! Sack the drivers as they obviously cant handle snow, just like some car drivers. Maybe it's genetic, we should sponsor some research to see if all these crap snow drivers are somehow from the same bloodline!

And with that so ends today's rant.

Remember if its snowing outside, don't use it as an excuse not to go to work, just get off your rear end and make your way in. And if you find the school has closed for the day then instead of moaning about it think of it as a gift. A day to enjoy being with your kids, get out their, build a snowman and throw a few snowballs. Let it bring the inner child out of you.

One final word...

When you go to bed tonight leave a set of instructions by your bed just in case you wake up forgetting how to breath, being deads a bummer. I know I tried it once, had to have a week of work. Luckily, after a few paracetamols, I got better.

The Voice has spoken.

Till next time......