
Friday, 10 December 2010

I've seen things you wouldn't believe.

First off let me explain the title of today's little rant. I couldn't think of a title but while I was trying my favorite line from any Bond film popped into my head. No Mr. Bond I want you to die! This was going to be my title but then I realised why not use a line from the film I'm watching. So I did. Maybe you recognize the line, maybe you don't. Read on and all will become clear....
As is common this time of year people are out celebrating Christmas with their friends and colleagues, my lovely wife is no different. So here I am, alone, keeping the house company while my little girl sleeps in her cot. One Chinese take away later and I'm ready to explode in a mess of noodles, rice and curry sauce. But before I do let me mention the film Ive spent the evening enjoying. Yes its movie time....


That sci-fi classic from 1982. There's nothing much to say about this legendary film that hasn't all ready been said. Stunning visuals, great Vangelis sound track and the ever reliable Harrison Ford. Not forgetting the great Rutger Hauer and solid support from one of the guys people constantly say, 'What have I seen him in before, hes been in loads of films.' I'm talking of course of Brion James.
A class film that, if you haven't seen (maybe you've been living under a rock on Mars), you should go out and see right this minute.
The only thing that is a little out of place in this film is the year. Its meant to take place around 2019 but the world didn't advance as quickly as the makers thought it would. Just like the old sci-fi films when they thought we would be walking on Mars by 1990. A little bit too confident in the progress of science I think.

The film get a 10 out of 10 from me.

The Chinese I had while watching, it gets an 8

Now onto more serious stuff.

During the protests by the great unwashed (that's students to you and me) that took place yesterday 11th Dec. things took a real turn for the worse. Rioting, violence and most shockingly an attack on a car carrying Prince Charles and Camilla. Now if you read my earlier posts you will know exactly how I feel about raising student fees. DO IT! For too long parents have relied on the state to provide for their kids and it's time it stopped. Make the parents do what they should have been doing from the start, making provisions for their children's future. But I digress, back to the subject at hand. When will the British police start to use that tried and trusted method of crowd control, the water cannon. They use it in loads of other countries around Europe so why not here. For too long the country has treated everyone with kid gloves, it's gotten so bad that if the police so much as shout at some one there's a public enquiry into why and compensation paid to the person that got shouted at. Only today I heard a story of a street preacher that was spouting biblical bull about gays being evil and going to hell so the police arrested him. Rightly so you may say, he shouldn't be allowed to preach hateful rubbish in public but wait. This is England, he was awarded £4000 compensation because the police kept him locked up for 4 hours. Can you believe it? So what hope have we of the police being allowed to react with necessary force when a riot kicks off, no hope at all. So these thugs and hooligans go unpunished. The shameful thing is that they probably weren't even students but so called professional protesters that have never worked, live off the state and yet spend their life protesting against it. Left wingers obviously, they have to be as its the left wing that provides them with the means to never have to get off their rears and work for a living.
As for the idiots that attacked Prince Charles car. They should be rounded up and thrown in prison for treason. I'm not a blind royal worshiper with Charles and Diana plates, mugs and spoons all over the place but I do support the monarchy. They are important to this country, its bussiness', its tourism and above all its history and they need to be protected from morons like these. I hope this country is never over run by the left wing militant morons that think of the monarchy as a bunch of leeches. If we ever lose our throne then it would be a sad day for England indeed.
Long live the Queen and long live our future King!

Now onto my favorite subject at the moment, yes you guessed it (drum roll please)
The X Factor.
Yes the papers have been full of conspiracy theories regarding Simon Cowells show.
If you read my last post you will know that Mary was given the boot by the judges at the weekend in favor of keeping the Teeny Rap Princess in the show, I'm referring of course to Cher. As I stated last time I believed that it should have gone to deadlock and reverted back to the public vote in order to keep it fair. Now the reason why the judges didn't allow that has become clear, Mary had more votes. Yes you heard me, the great Irish hope had more of the public on her side than Cher did. So if it had have gone to deadlock then it would have been bye bye Cher. Now you know as well as I do that would never have been allowed to happen. There was no way on Earth that they could market Mary like they can Cher, shes exactly the kind of product that Mr. Cowell is looking for. Shes not gonna win but you can guarantee that you wont have seen the last of her once the show ends. They are gonna milk this cow for all its got, One Direction and Cher are gonna be Simon's pet projects. After all if you've been paying attention to the show then you will have noticed the constant audience conditioning going on regarding One Direction. Every week, at least 4 or 5 times people will refer to the X-Product as the next big boy band. Like everything in life, you say something enough times and people will start to believe it. By the time the show ends One Direction will be the next big boy band without even releasing a record because the audience have been told they are for the last several weeks. As Yul Brynner said in the Ten Commandments, 'So let it be written, so let it be done.'

One last thing before retire to bed.
It was reported that Al Qaeda had threatened to attack that most important of government and military targets, Coronation Street. Yup, you read that right. The 50 year old soap opera broadcast a totally live show the other night and the morning before the show the papers were full of this supposedly true threat by Bins lot. That has to be the most shallow and transparent attempt at drumming up some publicity for a TV show I have ever heard of. Your a major global terrorists group, you've flown planes into buildings, blown up tube trains and buses. Your engaged in gorilla warfare with allied troops but you want to up the terror threat a little so what do you do? Attack a long running soap opera. Get a grip.
Unfortunately you know there are people out there that will have believed every word of it and been on their hands and knees praying for the safety of the cast.

Well that's it for now, its time I opened another can of beer. Cheers.

The voice has spoken.

Till next time.....

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