Good evening and welcome to the show.
Today we had a break from the Olympic madness thats has gripped the city and escaped to the park. Of course, with me, I had my trustee Canon EOS 450D. The morning was a bright and sunny one but as usual the clouds crept in by lunch time but luckily we managed to avoid the rain by seconds as we headed back to the car.
After attending a talk, on how to improve your photography skills in regard to portraits, on Saturday I was inspired to try something a little different from what I was used to. I tried to get as much light in the lens as possible and opened the aperture as wide as possible. I had the ISO set to 400 and ,using full manual mode, I set the shutter speed to a relatively slow speed of around 1/200 of a second. This resulted in the images looking washed out and over exposed. But this is what I was chasing. I would have preferred to use a lower ISO but the light was so unpredictable that I was forced to compromise with these settings in order to avoid constantly fiddling with the settings every time the sun disappeared behind a cloud. One last note, due to lack of space on my card I was forced to shoot in L instead of L / RAW that I usually use. New card needed I think.
Once home I opened the files up in photoshop and tweaked with the Brightness, Exposure and the Hue / Saturation settings to bring out the picture I was looking for. This has resulted in the backgrounds being bathed in light along with certain points in Kara's hair and skin but the colours being vibrant and powerful. For the first time I am very pleased with my days shooting. Personally speaking, I think my skills are improving.
Today we had a break from the Olympic madness thats has gripped the city and escaped to the park. Of course, with me, I had my trustee Canon EOS 450D. The morning was a bright and sunny one but as usual the clouds crept in by lunch time but luckily we managed to avoid the rain by seconds as we headed back to the car.
After attending a talk, on how to improve your photography skills in regard to portraits, on Saturday I was inspired to try something a little different from what I was used to. I tried to get as much light in the lens as possible and opened the aperture as wide as possible. I had the ISO set to 400 and ,using full manual mode, I set the shutter speed to a relatively slow speed of around 1/200 of a second. This resulted in the images looking washed out and over exposed. But this is what I was chasing. I would have preferred to use a lower ISO but the light was so unpredictable that I was forced to compromise with these settings in order to avoid constantly fiddling with the settings every time the sun disappeared behind a cloud. One last note, due to lack of space on my card I was forced to shoot in L instead of L / RAW that I usually use. New card needed I think.
Once home I opened the files up in photoshop and tweaked with the Brightness, Exposure and the Hue / Saturation settings to bring out the picture I was looking for. This has resulted in the backgrounds being bathed in light along with certain points in Kara's hair and skin but the colours being vibrant and powerful. For the first time I am very pleased with my days shooting. Personally speaking, I think my skills are improving.
If you have any comments (good or bad) then please do put them down as I welcome criticism, it's the only way to improve.
Till next time....
The Voice has spoken