
Sunday, 8 July 2012

The Great British Summer

So there we were laid on the bed this morning, the three of us, watching some telly nonsense and trying to decide what to do. After all it was set to rain all day long, and believe me, it almost did.
In the end we had a trip to Eddie Cats, a children's indoor play centre. A quick trip to the Market for some fruit and veg and we were on our way to Eddie Cats.

As there was no parking at the actual place I dropped the family off and drove away to park in the supermarket car park next door. Typically once I had parked up the heavens opened once more and a down pore ensued. So doing what any self respecting guy would do I reached for the best form of protection I had in the car and headed out on the short walk to Eddie Cats. Imagine the looks I got as I walked past the line of cars waiting to get into the car park holding a Thomas the Tank Engine umbrella above my head. I had to laugh to my self as I saw the looks that were being shot my way. After all, who wouldn't.

A fun time was had by all and after a couple of hours we headed off home. During all this time the rain let up every now and then but after short breaks it always fell once again with the occasional biblical outburst just to make up for the dry spells.

Needless to say we had to stay in all day, but we made sure we all had fun. The little one has plenty of toys and games to play with and she's a real whizz at puzzles. At one point she decided the balcony was too wet and wanted to try and dry it with a tea towel, of course it was raining at the time so as fast as she dried it, it just got wet again. She found it fun though and we certainly found it entertaining.

As I write this now it is still poring out side, but we have the balcony door open as the temperature is actually quite nice.
Below is what our balcony has looked like all day.

Till next time.....

The Voice has spoken.

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