
Tuesday, 15 February 2011

A month of movies and games

Hello world, yes it's me again the mighty voice of the great divide coming to you live from deep within.

I know it's been a while but what can I say. First Christmas, then New Year and since then I've been busy blowing things up and raising havoc on the PS3 that my lovely wife got me for Christmas. Well she likes to take credit but I don't for one minute believe her, I mean if she got me it then what did Santa get me?! Anyways if any of you out there are on the PlayStation Network then look out for me (Voice from Abyss) drop me a line, say hi if you will, or say low if you wont??

Now back to business.

What movies have I seen over the past few weeks...... A lot!


I'm still trying to figure out why this travesty of a movie made so much money. Its over long, its cliched, the story is an old tired over used one and none of it made sense when you actually gave it any thought. To put it simply, typical James Cameron.
As for the 3D, well I saw it on TV so there was no 3D but this merely proved that the only reason it packed people in was because of the 3D. Without it the film amounted to nothing. And as for JCs ravings about how 3D is meant to be well he just believes his own hype. The film was full of pointless camera shots that were put in just to show off the 3D. It reminded me of the old 3D movies from years ago when someone would point something at the camera for no reason than to make the audience go WOW. A tired and cheap trick used since the dawn of 3D. So you see the whole thing is just a tired old cliche that's very pretty to look at.


Daniel Craig and Liev Schreiber star in this WW2 effort as brothers who lead a group of Jews into a forest to hide from the Nazis. A true story told very well and thoroughly enjoyable. I recommend it to all. It's all the more important to see when you realise that the story was kept secret by the brothers for many years, just wanting to get on with there new lives in America after the war. I have nothing but praise for this one so go see it now.

Kick Ass

Fantastic, if you like your humour on the dark side and you wont get offended by a 12 year old girl saying the C word then I heatedly recommend this. Nick Cage stars as the real super hero of the movie training with his daughter (brilliantly played by Chloe Moretz) fighting along side him. Meanwhile a nerd, tired of a life of suffering at the hands of bullies decides to fight back, disguising himself as (pretty useless) super hero Kick Ass. A great film with a well rounded cast comprising of no real weak points.
If you can laugh at a guy wearing metal wings jumping off a building and crashing onto the earth with his fall cushioned only by a parked car then this is the film for you.


I have one thing to say about this film. If you liked the first one then see this as this is the sequel we have spent many years waiting for. It certainly helps wash the taste of those appalling Alien/Predator movies from our mouth's.

And now something new from me. As I mentioned above I'm currently involved with a PS3 so here goes my short list of games I would recommend.

Bioshock 1 + 2

Excellent FPS games, based in the underwater city of Rapture in the first one you play a guy who's plane crashes into the waters above the city and you're only chance is to venture into the city where you must fight for survival. To aid you in journey you not only have an arsenal of weapons but also some genetic plasmids that alter you're DNA to allow you to shoot electricity and fire, amongst other things, from your finger tips. On your way through the city you will encounter Big Daddies, these are hulking big guys who have been genetically altered to protect little girls, known as Little Sisters.  They wear old style diving suits and carry huge drilling rigs on there arms or rivet guns and mines. But you must fight these guys as the girls carry the only thing that allows you to buy new genetic plasmids, Adam. A drug that the girls collect from the dead of Rapture.

In the second game you play one of the afor mentioned Big Daddies, waking up from a decade long coma you must travel through the city looking for the Little Sister that you were genetically bonded to ten years previously.

Both great games that I highly recommend.

Well that's all for now so it is with great sadness that I bid you all a fond farewell and well....

Till next time.

The voice has spoken.

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