
Tuesday, 22 February 2011

To Term-a-nator or not to Term-a-nator that is the question

But first off tell me what the hell is a Nator and why would we want to term it. (Just how do you do that anyway)

I am referring to the news that the Austrian Oak Arnold Spankanugget himself has decided he would like to get back into acting now that his stint as the Governator is over. Personally I welcome this as he is, despite his natural lack of acting skills, a powerful presence on the big screen. The question on every ones (read that as an army of fan boys out there) lips is...... Wait for it....

Will he return to the Terminator franchise?????

Honestly, does any one (read that as those outside the fan boy fraternity) really want this. Lets face it the guy may still be tall and have a great stare but he's 64 years old whats he gonna do? Play an ageing father figure sent from the future to collect pensions from the past while helping John Conner come to terms with the loss of his mother and pet dog in the same week. All the fan boys are clamoring for him to play the great cyborg once again but what could he possibly do that he hasn't done before. In the first he was the hunter, in the second the protector and again in the third. And just how could they improve on the TX from the third movie, he needs a strong adversary but this one will take some beating, we've had just about every combination of killer/protector cyborg you can think of not forgetting (once again) he's old. If they did opt to go for the cyborg from the future sent to the past angle again then there's also the question why use the T800 (Arnold) model when there are all these far more advanced machines.
Some are saying that he could play the guy who the T800 was modelled on but this, despite being touched upon in the 3rd film, is in contrast with the timeline of robotic advancement set out in the first film. In the Terminator Reese states that the first Humanoid Robots were covered in rubber skin ('easy to spot' I believe he tells Sarah) It was the next model that was covered in skin. So the T800 wasn't created until the war had started. This doesn't mean they couldn't correct the mistake by addressing the issue in another film. Arnold could have been a resistance fighter captured by Skynet and used as a template for the T800 in order to have the very first one infiltrate the resistance without anyone noticing until its too late. Though just how you would get by the complete lack of emotion in expression and voice is another matter. But even this would be a mistake as the entire franchise has moved on since Arnold's involvement.
In short, Arnold don't do it. Move on to less active but still the same type of rolls as before. The ageing tough guy standing for what he believes without having to lift the biggest gun in the country to do it. Just like Eastwood has done for the last 10 years or so. Follow the Eastwood plan and you could still be in business 20 years from now.

Talking of tough guys I happened to stumble upon a John Wayne film during my lunch break today and it reminded me why I never really liked the Duke. The film was The Conqueror, widely regarded as his worst film and it's not so hard to see why. The guy had a hard time saying anything with emotion in any film but the script in this mess was a schoolboy attempt at something like old English Shakespeare. It destroyed the Duke within a couple of words. The guy strutted his stuff in his usual fashion while wearing a Fu Man chu moustache and fake eye brows. The best bit of makeup was the guy playing a Shaman (John Hoyt, don't worry if you've never heard of him neither had I) In every scene he looked like he had been peeling a bag full of onions while smoking some real heavy shit. But all this is secondary to Big Johns handling of the script which reminded me of Arnold's few lines in the first Terminator. Monosyllable and lacking in any emotion whatsoever, only thing is Arnold meant to do it. Does this mean Arnold is a better actor than the Duke was. No, we have to give the Duke his dues, he did good in a few films. When he wasn't being a racist, bigot and blind obeying all unquestioning patriot (read that as idiot)

So to wrap it all up today I would like to propose a new film for Arnold.

The Khaninator

A killer cyborg is sent from a future where good taste rules, to the past to eradicate all sins committed against movies. His first mission is to go back to 1956 and stop John Wayne from making The Conqueror. What he doesn't know is that John Wayne is really a Cyborg sent by a resistance group trying to bring back bad taste cinema in all its glory for people to enjoy while getting drunk with their mates. The real John Wayne is being held in a prison cell somewhere in the future.
All together now. Du Du Du De Du (Terminator music! Get with it people)

Till next time

The voice has spoken...

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