
Monday, 28 March 2011

Left wing Union idiots and a stupid Labour leader, what a party....

Well its been a while and I have to confess the reason is this. Its so hard to think of what to write. Give me a blank page and free license to imagine and I can knock up a story in no time but to blog about things in general is so friggin hard.
Luckily for me the great unwashed, left wing sheep and tabloid zombies have been on the rampage this weekend thus giving me something to rant on about.

 To anyone that was breathing over the weekend you've probably heard about the march in the centre of London campaigning about the government cut backs. People demanding the government rethinks its strategy for reducing the national deficit.

To start with, Ed Milliband (opposition leader, labour party) gave a speech to a few that had gathered early on about the march and compared it to the protests against apartheid in South Africa and the suffragettes who as we know campaigned to get women the vote.  How he could draw parallels between these and Saturdays march is beyond any rational and intelligent human being. But this is the guy who gained control of the Labour party by using Union backing when the rest of the party members wanted his brother to run the thing, so I guess he had to make a show in support of the afore mentioned unions.
He then went on to say that those campaigns led to governmental changes and so Saturdays march would also lead to change. What he conveniently forgot to mention was that twice as many people marched against the Iraq war when his party were in control and they still ignored the people so glass house, stones, kettle and teapot come to mind. He should really think twice before opening his mouth next time.

The march was to try to get the government to change their policies and use alternative means to reduce the national debt and it was this angle that Mr. Milliband used as the basis for his public address. However there was one thing sorely missing from his entire speech, a viable alternative. Or any alternative for that matter. You see the problem is that his party got us into this mess and now that they have lost control of the country and the Tories are having to deal with it and take all the flack he and his left wing honchos get to make a loud noise in protest but when you take away all the waffle you realise that that is all that they are doing. Making a lot of noise, because they know (though they will never admit it) that there is no alternative. David Cameron has said that there is no plan B this is it, and while the Labour party are making a lot of noise the one thing they are not doing is providing a plan A never mind a plan B. But the left wing brain dead have been convinced by the Labour party and half the tabloids that the Bankers are to blame and the Tories should hit them hard, leaving everyone else alone. The problem here is the bankers did cause some of the problem but the majority of the debt was run up by years of Labours bad spending habits. If the government was to listen to the loud minority (though they believe themselves to be the voice of the majority) and did hit the banks hard then all they would do is move their headquarters to another country leaving Canary Wharf a ghost town and providing London and the rest of the UK with thousands of freshly unemployed. Not to mention the big void in tax contributions, after all it might annoy people that some bankers get huge bonuses but think of the amount of tax they pay on these bonuses.

And so the Unions led the march on Saturday and for a while all went well but then.....
A breakaway group started trashing buildings, shops, banks and offices. Causing thousands of damage and terrorising staff, the public and tourists alike. They have said that they will cause disruption to the royal wedding also and if they do then I firmly believe that the police should use the water cannon closely followed by tazer guns. Now that is something I would pay to see. Let the young couple enjoy their special day and the people enjoy being a part of it.

After all the dust had settled Boris Johnson, Mayor of London said that Ed Milliband was probably quietly pleased that violence and vandalism did break out during the march as it gets the march and campaign against the cut backs more publicity. And probably gets it more floor time in the house of commons as well. The Labour party have demanded he retract his comments and apologise for what he said. Personally speaking I don't think he should as he is right. The Labour party will be loving it, they will probably be talking about it for the rest of the year, and most people know this so Boris stick to your guns.

Needless to say this wasn't the first protest against the cut backs and they have already said it wont be the last but if people want to waste their time then let them. if they want to go on naively thinking they can change things then go on why not march. I just hope it rains when they do, and if the police decide to use heavier tactics with the trouble causers then good. I'll be happy that they did.

At the end of the day, when the dust settles, the government must hold firm and not give on this. The country can not afford it and while people may struggle a little for a while, our children will be better off by a long shot and that's whats important. And lets face it, this is England, no one is going to starve and die. They may not be able to afford that 50 inch TV, might have to settle for a 40 inch instead. Oh what hardship.

The voice has spoken.....

Till next time....

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