
Thursday, 18 November 2010

And so it begins.........

A few years ago, 40+ to be precise, the world was changed forever. I WAS BORN!!!!!!
Now that may not mean much to you but, believe me when I say, it was quite a big thing in my life. Up until then things had been quite meaningless for me. A day spent doing the doggy paddle, another spent doing the butterfly. All got to be a bit tiresome and very samey if Im to be honest with you. So like I said. It may not have been that big a thing for everyone else but for me..... Well, my lifes never been the same.
Since then Ive been dragged kicking and screaming from one hole to another until I was finaly dropped from a great height into the dark and empty voide that is The Insane Abyss. It is from here that Ive developed my plan to attain great wealth and incredible power from..

A - World domination


B - A local friendly family run launderette franchise.

While sitting here plotting my next move toward untold power I decided to order a pizza and watch a movie. So it was onto to order the food and then slide a blu ray into the machine, sit back and enjoy.
The pizza was fine, the movie was fantastic.

A damn fine example of the great british gangster flick starring Malcom Macdowel and Paul Betteny. It wasn't a great hit at the box office as people were starting to get a bit tired of brit gangsters by the time it was released, which was a great shame as it is one of the best.Macdowel plays the older version of Gangster 1 while Betteny plays the younger, and both play the role brilliantly. A great script, a fitting soundtrack and excellent direction all amount to a thoroughly enjoyable, and very violent at times, movie experience.
On a scale of 1 - 10 this gets a 10 all round.

Couldnt say the same about the pizza. Probably a 7 maybe 7.5 After all it did look like the delivery guy had driven the grand prix before it got here. Know what I mean.

And so it is with these words that I leave you and settle down for a good nights sleep.

As you gaze into the abyss the abyss looks into you, but remember I may be at the bottom so please dont spit (or vomit)

Please leave quietly!

till next time.....

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