
Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Whats going on with the world?

So there I was. Sunday evening sat in front of the TV when the most disturbing news of recent times came over the airwaves. I am referring of course to the sad loss of Wagner from X Factor. How dare they, I mean just, how dare they? They even got rid of the talented and interesting, although publicly reviled, (for some reason) Katy Waissel....Weasle.....Wassel. Ho, you know who I mean. Thus, the result of all this means that X Factor once again achieves the high levels of banality and mundane that it has always strived to achieve. And every year succeeds in doing. So will I now stop watching, is this the end of X Factor and me? Unfortunately that is not a luxury I am afforded due to my lovely wife being addicted to it. We live in a small flat so there's no sanctuary that I can run and hide in.

Now for something slightly more serious and socially relevant. Though the above paragraph covers a subject that some people consider more important than anything else. Sad but true I'm afraid. Just another example of how shallow, pitifully empty and morally void society has become. Just like my next subject. The irresponsible father of 14 bastard children (some reports say it's more like 17)
Come on people, how long are we gonna fund these morons. The guy is unemployed, supposedly claiming disability for a bad back. Knocking up women 14-17 times I'm not surprised his back hurts. Currently 4 of his children haven't even been born yet, that's 4 women that he's knocked up in the last 9 month's. This is just insane, why hasn't he had his balls cut out and fed to a malnourished dog in Battersea Dogs Home. Him and his morally devoid kind are laughing at us decent folk, they think we're idiots, and I'm starting to think they're right. The government needs to act now to stop this insanity. We, the good people of this once great country, are becoming an endangered species. Just look at the numbers.
A working family tends to have 1 - 3 children as that is all most can afford both financially and time wise, we work 8 - 12 (sometimes more) hours a day so how can we divide our time between more than a few kids without denying them valuable love and support. So, in short, the good folks have 1 - 3 children. Meanwhile, down in the dregs of society amongst the lowlife and the terminally stupid, we find the folks at the bottom of the ladder. Who, from birth to death, live off the people. And how many children do you think they have. Being, as they are, so concerned with the well being of their offspring. 1 maybe 2? OK, just look at the example above for a closer estimate. This is how it is, this is the truth of it. A young woman will have a kid at 16 - 18 to some guy or other, he may stay around for a while but then again he may just bugger off. If he stays one or both of them will never work (or have a small part time job at best) Now do you think they will think twice about having another one, will they hell. Why would they? After all the government just rewarded them for being stupid in the first place so they will figure (quite rightly so) that the same government will reward them double for being twice as stupid. This is the good end of the dark spectrum. The bad end is when the mum is left alone. Most of the time she will never work. What she will do though is get a council flat, move in with baby, find a new bloke, move him in, get knocked up again, bloke moves out leaving mum and baby alone again. Only this time the baby quota has doubled. A few years down the line and said mum has had 5 kids to 3 guys and is still alone with the children. When the children have been dragged up to a point where they no longer find a need to bunk off school and can now get money of the people (sorry I mean government) Whats one of the first things they do in their so called adult years. They get (or get a girl) pregnant, after all mum did it and managed OK so why shouldn't they. I mean, babies are cute right! All you have to do is buy them really cute clothes, that you can't really afford because you don't have a job, and show them off to your friends. This is what most think, it's when the reality sets in with the sleepless nights and the screaming and crying that things start to go wrong. As if they were ever gonna go right. By the time the kid is 4 it thinks its name if F~~~OFF, Little Slut, Bastard or any number of colourful phrases these fine examples of humanity adopt. This of course is a worse case scenario, but one that I have witnessed first hand down the road from my first house. Nice neighbourhood!
So lets have a short maths lesson 10 good families have between 1 and 3 kids. Averaging out at 2 each, so that's 20 kids replacing (when they die of course) 20 adults. So far so good, all is balanced within the force. Then we look at the dark side.
10 totally crap families/single parents have between 3-5 kids (lets keep the numbers low for arguments sake) giving us and average of 4 each. That means we have 40 kids replacing 15 (allowing for the single parents) Take this to the next generation and what do we have (allowing for the exceptions to the rule on both sides) We would have roughly....
On the good side. Still 20 kids, as some would have more but some would decide to place career first and not have any.
On the bad side. We now have roughly 80+
Take this over several generations and there isn't enough tax money to pay for them all so the country falls into complete chaos. Anyone earning anything would have to live in a fortress to stop the breeding scum from stealing all that they own.
So what do we do when people who don't care breed like maggots on a week old corpse? There's only one thing we can do.
Clean away the corpse and starve the maggots out of existence.

Speaking of starving maggots, what about these student protests.
Good on the police for locking them down and keeping them trapped in the street. Let them freeze. This is just another example of people wanting the state to provide for their children. Sorry folks but if you have kids then they are your responsibility not the states. From birth you should be saving for their adult lives. Whether its university fees or just some money to help them on the property ladder, its your responsibility. No more nanny state, kill the nanny and give the kids back to mum and dad.
If you cant afford them then don't have them (I think that was also the message above) There will be exceptions to the case as in all things, this is where the government needs to make allowances but in most cases. Make them pay. With the money mum and dad have saved for them over the last 18 years plus the money they have from their part time jobs (yeah you heard me right you bunch of lazy loafers) combined with the money mum and dad will still be sending to help out, they will be able to afford it. If not then sell a few body parts on the black market, that should sort them out.

One final note....

This morning I traversed the barriers of space and time to go back to Imperial China circa 908 am. While there I ran into the Emperor himself, he looked at me rather oddly (as most people do) and then said to me, "Chow lung ko pa. Ying ta low fung pa chi!"
To which I replied, "Ying pow nam po, chick flied lice, pang cho!" At this point his imperial advisor turned up and said to us both, "Kam yip kung po chi!"
Of course we all fell about laughing, such hilarity......I suppose you had to be there.

The Voice has spoken

Till next time......

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