
Sunday, 21 November 2010

Wagner for Priminister

Ok so heres the deal Sparky. Reality TV is a curse and a blight on our once great nations TV schedules. There was a time when British TV was known as some of the best in the world but, thanks to endless reality bull, I would say that is no wher near the case now.

If we are to be blighted by this nonsence then it may as well be entertaining and stuff those who take it too seriously. Lets face it crap factor is taken way too seriously by its audience. For proof of this just listen to the audience after the performances of each act. There we have the acts, singing as they do every week one song after another. Then once the song is finished it doesn't matter how good or bad, how perfect or flawed the crowd go wild and what do they do if the judges critisise the act. They boo. I mean come on, we have 2 proffesional record producers and a couple of eye candy that have a few hits to their name but are nothing more than showcases for other peoples writing talents but, are successful in there careers no less. Between them they know more about the music bussiness than the entire audience put together and yet the audience boos like a bunch of kids at a christmas pantomine when the bad guy comes on stage.
I mean come on people, grow up.

This year though (forced to watch due to external forces guiding my life. In other words my dear wife)  there is one truly enjoyable charecter amongst the drones that make up the finalists and his name is Wagner The Invincible. After we lost the other 2 entertaining acts early on (Diva Feva and the amazingly unapologeticly arrogant Nicolo) This crazy Brazillian is the one shining star amongst a bunch of (good singers but) possitivly dull performers.
Like the KitKat advert from years ago (If memory serves, I'm sure it was KitKat) with the punk band and the record producer. He cant sing, he cant dance......He'll go a long way.
Now I know that he's been kept in by the Wagner devotees banding together to try to sabotage the show but I'm all for it. Like I said above this show and its audience take the whole affair way too seriously.
Last week Aiden, the human vibrator, was kicked off the show (thank god) and people are kicking up a fuss about it. Come on peeps, the judges may have thought he was intense but could you imagine watching that guy shake himself to bits on stage for a full 2 hour show. No way. People would walk out after the first 20 minutes bored out of their heads, he may have been 'intense' but after a couple of songs he's bloody boring. Good ridence.
As I write Paige has just been given the boot, shame as he's a boat load better than teeny rap queen Cher but hey, niether would have won so it was inevitable.

So back to Wagner. Hes fun, hes entertaining and he's like the drunken uncle everyone loves, at a wedding who keeps grabbing the mike and doing his Elvis bit.
He wont be a pop star but I can see him performing on Blackpool pier for the next 20 years and doing summer holiday camp tours because the guy is just endlessly entertaining.

As for the show itself well.......
All they want is a puppet, it doesnt matter how much talent the winner has or how original they want to be its what Mr Cowel wants that's important. He just wants to give them a song to sing and for them to sing it. As I called them in a paragraph above, all they want are mindless drones that they can manipulate and control without question.
This year of though the show has shown its true colours.
Im talking of One Direction. The show from the start is meant to be a place for exhisting groups and singers to flex their vocal cords but here we have a group (a product) that Simon has put together from a bunch of kids that entered the show seperately. Win or lose they will be put out there for the young girls to devour, this was on the wall from the beginning. Simon and the show manufactured this product and threw it into the mix and no one seems to care so it just goes to show how little the viewers care about the actual rules of the show (like when One Direction sang kids in america as part of American Icons, or whatever it was, week. Its an English song)
So there you have it, the voice has spoken.
Show crap, audience like children and Wagner for Priminister.

Till next time.......

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